Did you know that the IRS can subsidize building your wealth?  Imagine writing checks to finance your long-term investment strategy with the money you would have otherwise sent to the IRS to pay for your taxes!  The ultra-wealthy have used this same strategy ever since the US Tax Code was implemented. In fact, their attorneys practically WROTE the tax code for Congress.  They created a specific code that allows them to legally pay little or no taxes. This is why Warren Buffet famously said that his secretary pays more in taxes than he does.

In this webinar. I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to use the SAME strategies to legally reduce your taxes to almost ZERO.  I’ll show you how to you can invest these enormous tax savings in a whole life policy that will allow you to create generation wealth and leave a legacy for your loved ones, without paying ANY taxes on the interest and dividends.  

At the same time, you’ll be creating your own bank to fund your investments with tax-free money, to generate more profit, which you can reinvest into your policy; thus, creating a vortex banking strategy that builds amazing wealth without ever having to pay taxes on it

Here’s just a short list of what you’ll learn in this webinar:

  • How to legally reduce your taxes to practically ZERO
  • How to lock your assets in a titanium vault of asset protection so powerful, that it can stop eminent domain lawsuits in their tracks
  • How you can use the “Ironclad Trust” to control your assets, instead of owning them. 
  • How practically everything you do in life can be considered a trust expense and paid for by the trust.
  • How IRS code 643 allows you convert up to 97% of your net income into permanently tax-deferred passive income
  • How to funnel these tax savings into an investment vehicle that will generate long-term wealth, while operating as your private bank at the same time
  • How to solve the problem of passing down your assets to your loved ones without paying estate or inheritance taxes
  • How to use the Ironclad Trust as the world’s most unbreakable prenuptial agreement