Ask anyone what entity you should use to hold your real estate investments. 100 out of 100 of them will tell you to use an LLC. Unless one of the people you ask is Dohn Thornton, aka “The Infinite Wealth Strategist” of the consultancy and the podcast of the same name. Thornton will respond to…
Zach Winner can’t make the school system teach financial literacy, but he can at least make a difference in his own home — starting with his daughter’s allowance. “When I gave her the allowance,” Winner, founder of Prosperity CRE and Cornerstone Investments, told Ricci Truong of the CamaPlan Podcast, “I said, ‘Here’s your weekly allowance….
Imagine going into business, only to realize you weren’t in the business you thought you were in. David Dodge, author of The Ultimate Guide to Wholesale Real Estate and The BRRRR Method, thought he was going into the real estate business … but it turned out, he was going into the marketing business. Starting at…
Which sounds better — a few hundred dollars in cash flow from a few rental houses … or $10,000 in cash flow from turning a big house into a ten-bed assisted living facility? It sounds complicated, but Isabelle Guarino Smith, COO of Residential Assisted Living Academy (RAL), teaches students to do just that — and…
Is your money really safe in the bank? And if not, where is it safe? It’s a scary question … but M.C. Laubscher, founder of Producers Wealth and Cashflow Ninja and author of The 21 Best Cashflow Niches, has a surprising answer. Growing up in South Africa and moving to the US in 2001, Laubscher…
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Special Report #1
20 Ways to Fund a Real Estate Investment With Your IRA
Special Report #2
Better than Gold: The PMC Ounce Report
Special Report #3
The Secrets to Real Estate Buys, Flips and Holds in Your IRA